Thursday, October 15, 2009

White Lies!

Let's start with the fact that EVERYBODY LIES. I was wondering the other day that maybe not all lies are bad. Sometime we deceive others with the nicest purpose. There are moments to lie, i mean.. personally, i'm a very direct/honest person, but there are situations in time that deserve a lie. A lie could save us. A lie could change everything, as well as the truth. Let's go deep: If your grandma, which has terminal skin cancer, ask you about the state of her hideous red skin along with the big scars.. She ask you specifically: "Son, how's my skin doing?.. Is it that horrible?".. What would you say?.. "No grandma, it's doing fine" just to please her and make her feel fine.. or.. "It's absolutely abnormal grandma, i hope it gets better though".. What would be the best answer? I keep my answer to myself. But it's hard, isn't it?

We all have an Inner Pinnochio, like it or not. But it's not always a bad thing guys. Still, we should provoke honesty til the last boundary possible. It's hard to always be right, straight with our believes; but there are times we should just do the right thing, and a lie could be included.

Maybe i'm wrong, i dunno.. but this is my point of view. What do you think about 'White Lying'?