Thursday, October 15, 2009

How To Dump Gently!

If you're not that into someone there are some tips for you to dump them.. you should be very cautious with her/his feelings because it's important to end in good terms (at least I think so)..

After Just A Few Dates
It could be a cinch if the person you're about to dump is extremely attached to you.. It would be difficult but still easier than dumping him/her with more anticipation. If you're sure you'ren t into someone LEAVE 'EM.. You'll make it easier for both.

Tell Them You're Done
Be straight, direct. With men, cutting off contact after a few dates can be an easy way to break things off without bruising girl's delicate egos. But with women, doing this is very hurtful. So even though it’s easiest for you to just avoid seeing and talking to the girl, it’s not the best thing for her. Tell her (even if it’s just over the phone) that it’s not working.

Tell 'Em in Person.
You've got to tell them you don’t want to see them anymore…and if you’re coming out of a longer term relationship, you’ve got to tell that exactly in person. Your best option? Do it in a public place so the conversation doesn’t get out of hand. And be ready to be embarrassed if it does. (Or maybe you like having wine thrown in your face?)

Be honest.
Soothing lines work with many men. But they don’t with women. Women need closure, and need to understand why yuo don’t want them. So even if you’re afraid of hurting her, be honest about breaking it off. Unless, of course, you think she’s horrible in bed or smells like rotting onions! Then…lie.

Don’t Lead On!
In the desire to be gentle, many men give women the impression that there’s hope for a reconciliation. And while it’s admirable to want to be nice, the kindest thing you can do post-dumping is stay away from her. Don’t call her, don’t try to be nice to her…just back off and let her get over you. If she hates you for it, well…that’s something you’re just going to have to accept.

Isn't it hard? Do you got more tips for dumping situations? CAN'T WAAAAIT TO SEE THEM!