Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fake Orgasm!

Thanks to my best friend, Peishan for her ideas and references, love you slut!
When you fake an orgasm is because you're totally not sexually satisfied in a fuck. Lots of reasons can be envolved in this unfortunate event.. Almost every sexually active person has fake an orgasm at least once but it's mostly common in women, WHY? because women don't have any erect stick down there and WE DO GUYS!..

So, the thing is that if you're a GIRL THAT FAKES ORGASMS, you mostly do it because:
1. You love you boyfriend too much and don't wanna make him feel bad about his lame penis power.
2. To finish rapidly because you're having a busy time.
3. You're ashamed that he would think that you're cold/frigid!

Men are not so fakers about sex activities because we're easily in the mood. I mean, when we are hot our dick just explode and get erect instantly..It's so funny actually.. it's like pushing a bottom! In the other hand, girls are not so easy because they don't need only two balls to feel happy, they need something more... Plus there are lots of men who doesn't know how to fuck, because they're TOO ANIMALISTIC or TOO SLOW.. so i think we should get a balance, too, in the game.

The thing is that Sex is something both (Girls & Boys) should know how to deal with, because the orgasm is one of the best feelings in the world, LIKE IT OR NOT U SLUTS! ;)